High-tech solutions for the lovelorn this Valentine’s Day

Since there's an app for everything else, it should be no surprise that those who find themselves unlucky in love coming up to this year's celebration of all thinks pink and romantic can find some solace in apps and websites designed just for them.

Whether you're a lover scorned or nursing a broken heart, these apps and websites have been created to help you through your tough time. USA TODAY rounded up some of the modern ways you can recover from a broken heart, ranging from teaching yourself discipline to public humiliation. This video gives you the rundown on just a few of the many options out there:

The Ex-App

Stop sending texts and drunk dialing your ex with this app that prevents you from contacting specific phone numbers you program in. This isn't an original concept in itself, as other apps like Don't Dial! and The Bad Decision Blocker can do this, too, but The Ex-App will also track how many days you go without attempting to contact that particular person.


Posting pictures of others in a public domain and alleging that they're a cheater is a recipe for getting sued for defamation, but hey, if you're willing to risk it, there's CheaterVille.com. Users post pictures, names and locations of those they claimed have wronged them as a way to publicly humiliate a cheating ex-lover. If you're especially determined to make sure the world knows what the person did wrong, you can even post proof of their indiscretion for all to see. Ironically, the whole website feels a bit like an Ashley Madison commercial, but perhaps that was the feel they were looking for.


If you're not interested in donating your break-up artifacts to a museum, consider selling them online to mend some of the heartbreak with spending money. Never Liked It Anyway encourages its visitors to put items that remind them of their old relationship up for sale online, and share their stories as to why the item is being sold as well as what they'll do with the money. There are plenty of wedding dresses (never worn) and engagement rings on offer, so if you are actually in a happy relationship, perhaps you can get a good deal on someone else's misery.