iPhone 4S’ Siri says the darndest things

The iPhone 4S sold more than four-million units in just three days, doubling the record of its predecessor, but news of the milestone achievement has taken a backseat to Apple's newest mobile feature, Siri.

Conversations with Siri have gone viral as proud owners of the voice recognition "smart assistant" are finding it to be eerily intelligent, savvy with pop culture, surprisingly humble and yet brutally honest.

The feature is supposed to assist with the simplest of mobile functions: sending text messages, booking important dates, performing web based searches, etcetera.

But its responses to a vault of interesting prompts have convinced many that even artificial intelligence can have its own personality.

The eery intelligence is revealed with her many answers to the age old question: What is the meaning of life?

"That's easy..." Siri exclaimed to one curious user. "It's a philosophical question concerning the purpose and significance of life or existence in general."

Or my personal favourite: "Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try to live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

Check out what Siri's tells Lamar from the WilsonTech1 vlog when he asks the very same question.

Siri' s impressive ability to think on her feet (so to speak) is quite impressive: she offers many ways to be helpful, even from the most cryptic of demands.

When Brian Chen from Wired informed Siri he was "drunk," the friendly app offered this sound advice: "I found a number of cabs fairly close to you." Yes, even your digital friend will do what she can to prevent you from driving home drunk.

Jason Snell from Macworld became acquainted with Siri when he asked her to "open the pod bay doors," a reference to the Stanley Kubrick cult-classic '2001: A Space Odyssey.' Siri's clever response: "We intelligent agents will never live that down, apparently."

Many have taken to Siri's charm with engagement proposals and confessions of love, and her quick answers have been diplomatically hilarious. One user confessed his love, to which Siri responded "oh, stop." The user then asked her to marry him; "Let's just be friends, OK?"

But Siri's unique conversation with Jim Dalrymple from The Loop reveals just how special she is.

Jim: I love you, Siri.
: Impossible.
: No really, I love you.
Siri : I hope you don't say that to those other mobile phones, Jim.
: No way, I only love you Siri.
: You are the wind beneath my wings.
Jim : That's nice. I'm glad you know I love you.
: All you need is love. And your iPhone.

That's right. Siri just made clever references to both Bette Midler and the Beatles in the same conversation. Even if she fails to manage your schedule, her savvy wit and friendly charm are definitely worth the upgrade.

(Photos: Screengrab Tumblr)