
Carly Fiorina: Political class fails us a lot

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO and presidential candidate Carly Fiorina: One of reasons why Biden won the primary and why I endorsed him is he’s seen as someone who can reach across the aisle.

Video Transcript

CARLY FIORINA: Well, you know, I got into politics because I'm a problem solver. And I think we have a lot of problems in this country that our political system hasn't addressed in quite a long time. And I actually think that's why Donald Trump won. I think people across the board thought, you know what? The system just isn't really working. We keep arguing about the same issues, and so it's time to try an outsider.

I think we're still at a point where the political class fails us a lot. Witness that we do not have another stimulus package when we clearly desperately need one. But I also think that one of the reasons Joe Biden won the primary and one of the reasons I endorsed him quite some time ago is because he is seen as someone who has been willing to reach his hand across the aisle and work in a bipartisan fashion.

And in the end, the only way you solve problems in business or in politics is by actually working with other people, some of whom you may not agree with all the time, to get something done and make some progress.