
Celebrating 50 years of marriage, and taking Transit Windsor

Through 50 years of marriage, there has been at least one constant in Joe and Helen Todd's lives — Transit Windsor.

The two live in Windsor, Ont. the Auto Capital of Canada, but have never owned a car. They've been taking the bus their entire lives.

Through their travels they've developed relationships with several drivers, including Transit Windsor head Pat Delmore, who met them when he was a driver on the Dominion 5 line. He's one of several Transit Windsor employees invited to their 50th wedding anniversary party this weekend.

"We've just never had to worry about it," Helen told CBC News. "We figure for $48 we can go anywhere we want. If we'd bought a car, we'd [have to pay for] insurance and maintenance. We go everywhere."

People will often complain about transit service in Windsor, especially in angry social media posts online. But they say they never have a problem getting around. They say their drivers often "treat them like gold."

"We've had bus drivers tell us, 'Wherever the two of you are is a bus stop,' " Joe said.

When the couple need to get outside the city limits, they will get a ride from their family and friends. Joe remembered one time he saw a Transit Windsor driver he knew in Cottam, which is about a 45-minute drive from their home. Joe said the driver joked, 'I didn't know the Dominion 5 ran this far.'"

The two have their share of interesting trips, including a car that rear-ended the bus they were on and memories of being on a bus caught in a tornado.

Other times, they saw the kindness of bus drivers first hand. When Joe needed to go to London for heart surgery on a Sunday, a bus driver made sure Helen was able to get to her sister's house safely.

Delmore said Helen and Joe are considered part of the Transit Windsor family, a feeling they say is mutual.

"Absolutely, very much, [we feel like family]" Joe said. "We've even been told that they have our number on their board."

When asked about the secret of their successful time riding the bus, Helen said it's about being patient and prepared.

"Keep a schedule handy, you'll know exactly when the buses are coming and if they're late, then there's a reason for them to be late," Helen said. "They'll be there. Just try it and see if you like it."