Climbers scale Eiffel Tower without safety gear

Russian daredevils have conquered the Eiffel Tower, proving that no monument is too tall, sacred or heavily guarded enough to scale without equipment.

New video of the stunt has emerged, which shows two men with backpacks and hoodies paying for tickets to the popular tourist attracted in the evening. They make their way through security, along with other tourists. Next, they climbed over a gate next to an elevator shaft and waited until early the next morning when there were fewer people are around.

Next thing you know, they’re climbing through staircases until they go over a barrier and begin to balance across a steel beam. Soon, the stuntmen are climbing up the side of the tower, using only their hands and feet to hoist them further up - with no ropes or safety lines. A drone captures footage of them from the side of the tower, as the men haul their way up the massive structure. At one point, one of the men is shown hanging off the side of a beam with one arm. Anyone with a fear of heights is advised to look away.

The summary section of the video reveals that the drone operator crashed the unmanned aircraft due to high winds, and also received a fine.