Construction on Bellefonte’s new school has started. Expect traffic delays in the area

A rendering of the new Bellefonte Elementary school is on display during the groundbreaking ceremony on Friday, June 21, 2024.

Motorists should expect delays on Governors Park Road in Bellefonte throughout July and part of August due to construction on the new Bellefonte Elementary building.

The district posted on Facebook announcing the construction and upcoming traffic delays near the site of the new building.

Starting Monday, Wampum Hardware Co. will be blasting several times a day at the location of the new elementary building, near the Bellefonte Area High School.

Blasting will occur between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with traffic stopped on Governors Park Road prior to each blast. An alarm will sound five minutes before, one minute before and one long alarm once the blast has finished.

The post asked that travelers plan ahead for traffic delays in the area and contact Wampum Hardware Company, 814-342-2310 with any questions.