CP NewsAlert: Housing crisis voted Canadian Press News Story of the Year

OTTAWA — The critical shortage of available and affordable housing is the 2024 Canadian Press News Story of the Year.

It received votes from more than one-quarter of nearly 100 editors surveyed.

The Jasper wildfires finished second, while the tensions between Canada and India finished third.

Editors across the country say housing was a story in every community in Canada.

Record population growth pushed by rapid increases to immigration pushed up rents and home prices as new home starts could not keep up with demand.

Every level of government has been seized with the issue throughout the year, prompting a climb down on immigration targets and major housing fund investments from the federal Liberals and moves at the provincial and municipal level to relax laws and fees seen as barriers to housing construction.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 17, 2024.

Nojoud Al Mallees, The Canadian Press