Dr. Robbie Coull misconduct finding quashed by court

Dr. Robbie Coull misconduct finding quashed by court

P.E.I.'s Court of Appeal has quashed a finding of professional misconduct against a former Charlottetown doctor.

In 2013 the P.E.I. College of Physicians and Surgeons found that Dr. Robbie Coull committed professional misconduct by not investigating thoroughly complaints from a patient about back pain. The college also fined Coull $12,500.

The patient said he had ankle and back pain after an injury on the job in 2009.

Coull, who had by the time of the college decision moved to Scotland, appealed to the courts. On Friday P.E.I.'s Court of Appeal found there were insufficient grounds for the college's finding.

The court quashed the professional misconduct finding and recommended no further action against Coull.