I'm Pretty Much The Dumbest Guy On Earth So My Mind Just Got Blown After Seeing These 25 Absolutely Incredible Pictures For The First Time Last Week
1.This is what a wild peanut growing out of the ground looks like:
I simply must have this little peanut.
2.So many people lose their hats at the Hoover Dam that there's basically a hat graveyard at the bottom:
RIP to those hats. Weep not for the memories.
3.This is what Mount St. Helens looked like before it erupted in 1980, becoming the deadliest volcanic eruption in US history...
4.And this is what Mount St. Helens looked like after the 1980 eruption:
Absolutely decimated.
5.This is what economy class on a commercial plane looked like in the 1960s:
Hmmm. I don't know about you, but I much prefer today's system of being shoved into the tiniest seat imaginable and having the most miserable four hours of your life.
6.This is what the inside of a quarter looks like:
Not sure what I expected, but definitely not that it'd look like a car cigarette lighter.
7.This is what the blowhole on a humpback whale looks like:
It's like a big nose. IT'S A BIG NOSE!
8.Redwood trees are really, really, really, really big:
Shout out to big trees.
9.In some lines of work, you cannot carry a cellphone with a camera. This is what an iPhone with no camera looks like:
This is from someone who works at a nuclear plant. Neat!
10.This is what a hummingbird egg looks like compared to an ostrich egg:
I seriously doubt you can guess which is which.
11.This is what the Statue of Liberty looks like from the back:
In case you were wondering.
12.This, in all its 1912 glory, is what a first-class suite looked like on the ship:
It's a replica, obviously.
13.Some libraries tell you just how much using them has saved you. Spoiler alert, my friend — it's a lot:
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that libraries are good.
14.In some places you can buy BAGS of cooking oil:
You know I'd be liable to start slappin' the bag.
15.Avocado pits... well, they can be very tiny:
This is like something from an anime about avocado pits.
16.This is a sunfish...
Pictured here with Santa, naturally.
17.And this is what the skeleton of a sunfish looks like:
18.While we're talking 'tons, this is what a penguin's skeleton looks like:
Lookin' good.
19.This is what a stairwell that doesn't loop around and only goes in one direction looks like:
This is like something you'd see in a dream.
20.This is how good Disney World is at hiding their rides, specifically the Haunted Mansion:
Shout out to the Disney corporation. You don't see people talking about them too often.
21.Helmets really, really work:
The person wearing this survived.
22.This is what the inside of a Coca-Cola Freestyle machine looks like:
This is what the pinnacle of human innovation looks like.
23.In a French deck of playing cards, instead of seeing J, Q, and K, you'll see V, D, and R:
I mean, yes, French is a different language from English, but this is my dumb brain we're talking about here, remember?
24.Texas makes Europe look super small:
Imagine if instead of the Texas Triangle, it was just the entire country of Austria, though. Somethin' to think about.
25.And, finally, there are vending machines at the top of Japan's Mount Fuji:
Imagine climbing to the summit and enjoying an ice cold Mountain Dew Baja Blast Zero Sugar. Just like the pioneers.