From the editor: We’ve launched our fall fundraising campaign. Here’s why I hope you’ll help

Dear readers,

At The Telegraph, we’re committed to providing unbiased news that is essential to our community.

In this past year, our reporting team has produced quality journalism time and time again. Some examples:

  • Reporter Micah Johnston reported that Bibb County investigators lost and damaged evidence in a Macon murder case. A judge ruled that the district attorney’s office acted in bad faith when it falsely told the court it never had the evidence.

  • Reporter Joe Kovac traveled to Plains after former President Jimmy Carter was placed in hospice to learn how his beloved hometown was preparing to say goodbye.

  • Reporter Jenna Eason told readers how the shooting death of a Black man by a white police officer led to real changes in Macon. This didn’t happen in the George Floyd era, but rather more than 50 years ago.

We know our community needs more. But today’s marketplace realities limit the depth and breadth of our journalism, which is expensive to produce.

To expand our coverage, we need your help.

We hope you will consider a tax-deductible contribution to help us better serve the Macon area.

Gifts of any size make a difference.

You can donate through this link here. Or, if you prefer to send a check, please put The Telegraph in the memo line and mail it to 1601 Alhambra Blvd., Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95816. Please include your email address.

Your support keeps us at the forefront of our community, bringing you the news that matters most. Thank you for being an essential part of our mission.


Blake Kaplan

Executive Editor