Enough with the challenge nonsense. Judge should do what’s best for NC and concede | Opinion

Volunteers feed ballots into ballot machines as Mecklenburg officials hold a recount in NC Supreme Court race, Tricia Cotham’s win over Nicole Sidman, and Woodson Bradley’s win over Stacie McGinn, at Valerie C. Woodard Community Resource Center in Charlotte, NC on Thursday, November 21, 2024.

North Carolina has had enough recounts.

I am a non-aligned voter in NC. Recounts are no longer in the best interest of the people of NC. Let’s stop the challenges to legitimate votes.

I am appalled that our son is caught in this recent 60,000-votes-challenge by Republican Judge Jefferson Griffin. He is a legitimate voter, a state resident working abroad who made the effort to vote on an absentee ballot. That should be applauded, not challenged. Griffin, this is not principle. It is just nonsense.

Let’s get on with the people’s business in the NC courts. The legitimate thing for you to do is to graciously concede and, if you choose, run again in the future.


Peter Jacobi, Durham

CFB brawls

Fines for the university football teams engaged in brawls over the weekend are insulting to the principles of justice, not to mention scholarship.

The only appropriate penalty is cancellation of games. Isn’t one of the primary purposes of these athletic programs to teach and model sportsmanship?

Universities should uphold their values which, presumably, don’t encourage brawls. End the season for all of the teams involved and, if no games are scheduled, forfeit the first game next season.

Lewis Margolis, Chapel Hill

NC GOP hypocrisy

In a recent article about the Riggs-Griffin Supreme Court race, Sen. Phil Berger (R) called it “another episode of ‘count until somebody you want to win wins.’”

Sen. Berger and his Republican legislative colleagues certainly know about structuring elections to guarantee themselves wins: extreme gerrymandering, partisan judicial elections, restrictive voting rules and more.


Hypocrisy is alive.

Robert Dalton, Chapel Hill

SB 382 malicious

The passage by the state Senate of the SB 382 on Dec. 2 was no victory. It was a malicious, harmful, destructive, and deceptive bill full of self-centeredness, greed, power and hate.

The need for power and greed is a spiritual disease and harmful to our country and our citizens. We are living in a time that demands a change of heart for each of us. Polarization, division and misinformation are harmful to our country and our democracy.

May we recognize the reality of our interconnection and interdependence. We all need to make decisions for the common good not just a select few.

The passage of this bill was shameful.

Sara Loeppert, Raleigh

Logical pardon

President Biden gave a perfectly logical explanation for pardoning his son. You cannot say because the president pardoned his son that is an incentive for Donald Trump to pardon the Jan. 6 insurrectionists.


Trump already said many times he planned to pardon the “patriots” who stormed the Capitol. Does the pardon of one person destroy a person’s reputation? I would hope not. Show some compassion.

Daryl Bowman, Raleigh

Underhanded dealings

Why is the NC GOP afraid of democracy?

The recent “hurricane relief” bill is more about suppressing the political power of Democrats than it is about helping people in western NC. Through Republicans’ extreme gerrymandering they no longer allow us, the people, to choose our own representatives. They shield their plotting by passing a rule that allows them to decide what becomes public record and dare us to do anything about it.

Wake up, North Carolina. This is not how a democracy functions!

We need to continually call them out on this and let them know that this type of behavior is not acceptable. We want leaders who are decent people and understand that their job is to work fairly with the other political side for the good of our state.


Jack Unruh, Raleigh

Trump’s revengers

In reference to the Dec. 2 editorial “Joe Biden’s pardon of his son betrays those who stand for the rule of law”

I’m just curious. How many members of the Editorial Board have children? And how many of those would be willing to put the fate of their child in the hands of Donald Trump and his revengers?

Rosemary Ralston, Mebane