Everything to Know About the Autumnal Equinox and What It Means for Your Zodiac Sign

The autumnal equinox arrives on Sept. 22, officially marking the first day of the 2023 fall season



So long, summer!

The first day of fall is approaching and it is officially marked by the autumnal equinox, the annual seasonal transition that signals a turning point in the year.

Arriving on Sept. 22 at 6:31 a.m. PT in the Northern Hemisphere, the autumnal equinox introduces the start to longer and cooler nights in comparison to summer's longer and warmer days. The word “equinox” comes from Latin aequus (meaning “equal") and nox (meaning ”night") — so on the equinox, day and night are nearly equal in length.

Like autumn, spring arrives via equinox. According to the Farmer's Almanac, an equinox occurs precisely when the Sun’s center passes through the "celestial equator," which is "an imaginary extension of Earth’s equator line into space."

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The autumnal equinox occurs in the Northern Hemisphere when the sun cross the equator from north to south, and visa versa in the Southern Hemisphere. In contrast to equinoxes, solstices mark the arrival of the winter and summer and signal the longest or shortest days of the year.

In astrology, the autumn equinox marks the beginning of Libra season. During the first half of the zodiac year, astrologer Kyle Thomas tells PEOPLE "we are more focused on our personal lives and personal worlds from Aries to Virgo season."

From Libra to Pisces season, Thomas — who is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — tells PEOPLE, "our attention expands more significantly into outer worlds, such as partnerships, professional heights and expansion beyond the self."

To find out what the autumnal equinox could mean for you based on your zodiac sign, per Thomas' suggestions, read on!

Aries (March 21-April 19)



Aries, the autumnal equinox is about to level up your connections. "Prepare for an exciting period and opportunity to balance your partnerships and relationships," suggests Thomas.

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Taurus (April 20-May 20)



Taurus, the autumnal equinox should give you a sense of stability. Thomas suggests using this time of year "to achieve a greater work-life balance — in addition to "bringing equilibrium to your health and dietary needs," he says.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The autumnal equinox will have you feeling the love in all faucets of your life, Gemini. "Embrace more fullness in your heart's desires," says Thomas. To do so, he suggests you "bring balance around romance, creativity, hobbies and pleasures."

Cancer (June 21-July 22)



Slow down and take it in, Cancer. "Focus your attention on bringing peace and serenity to your inner world," says Thomas, who suggests "reflecting on the past, your family or domestic life."

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)



Focus your mind and look towards the future, Leo. "Channel your energy into greater development around intellectual pursuits and your communication skills, Thomas puts forth.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)



Prioritize what is really important during this autumnal equinox, Virgo. "Pivot your attention to how you can bring greater balance to your financial life," says Thomas, especially "as you better understand the ebb and flow of abundance."

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)



The autumnal equinox is total you time, Libra. "Step into a rebirth of yourself," says Thomas, "as you appreciate your unique gifts and place in the world." In addition, he says to focus on "how you can bring true balance to all areas of your life."

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)



Tap into the stars, Scorpio! During this autumnal equinox, Thomas says to "dig deep within to find better perception of your spiritual world and alignment with the cosmic universe."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)



The autumnal equinox is giving you no reasons to do anything but enjoy, Sagittarius. "Celebrate life and community during this time," says Thomas. To find fullness, he suggests you "engage your social relationships and the pursuit of what makes you happiest."

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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)



Capricorn, have a work hard, play hard mentality this autumnal equinox. "Bring an authentic awareness to your professional world without letting it overwhelm you," says Thomas. "Balance is key to truly achieve success."

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)



Don't be afraid to take risks, Aquarius. Thomas says this autumnal equinox will have you stepping into the unknown "as you embrace more personal and professional development." However, he says "don't let it shake your complete foundation." He adds, "Progress and perseverance are crucial."

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)



Team work makes the dream work, Pisces! "Wisdom in regards to relationships is found by understanding what each of you brings to the table and how you balance that with one another," Thomas says.

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