Fact Check: Creepy Story About Doctor Who Created Glasses That Allowed His Daughter To See Another Dimension Isn't True
In 1985, a doctor created "quantum glasses" to help fix his daughter’s eyesight, but they allowed her to see a dimension beyond our own. What she saw drove her insane and she removed her own eyes.
A claim that a doctor named Robert Miller created "quantum-phase corrective lenses" to help his daughter, Emily, alleviate her visual impairments, circulated online (archived) in November 2024.
The claim alleged that these special glasses resulted in Emily being able to see otherworldly things — specifically, that Earth and everyone on it were part of a cosmic digestive system for some unseen entity. Emily allegedly told nurses, "The thing, it keeps us dreaming so we don't feel ourselves being consumed, being digested."
Driven mad by the imagery, Emily allegedly removed her own eyeballs and has remained institutionalized ever since, while her father disappeared soon after.
"Frequently Asked Questions - SCP Foundation." The SCP Foundation, https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/faq. Accessed 2 Dec. 2024.
H.P. Lovecraft, Author, Is Dead - The Morning News. 21 Oct. 2019, https://web.archive.org/web/20191021193056/https://themorningnews.org/article/h.p.-lovecraft-author-is-dead.
The Spectacle of the Void. [USA] Schism Press 2014., 2014.