Fatal shooting of 14-year-old by another teen in Kentucky ruled accidental, police say

Kentucky State Police logo on cruiser vehicle.

The fatal shooting of a teen in Estill County by a 13-year-old was accidental, according to Kentucky State Police.

On July 12, KSP Post 7 in Richmond were contacted around 1:30 p.m. by the Estill County Sheriffs’ Office requesting assistance of an accidental shooting on Clark Road in Estill County.

Their initial investigation indicates a 14-year-old was accidentally shot by a 13-year-old outside of the residence, according to state police. Investigators did not publicly identify the victim.

Life-saving measures were attempted on scene but the teen died, according to Estill County Coroner, Jimmy Wise. Foul play is not suspected.

The investigation is being conducted by Detective David Hobbs. He was assisted on scene by KSP personnel, Estill County Sheriffs’ Office, Estill County EMS and Estill County Coroner.