
George Conway Proposes How Trump Should Pay For His Attacks On Democracy

George Conway has laid out how Donald Trump should face redress for his efforts to sabotage democracy after the president suggested delaying November’s elections.

In an opinion article published in The Washington Post, the conservative attorney and husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway decried Trump’s vote delay suggestion as the “ploy of a would-be dictator” and called on people in America to sanction Trump “at the polls, and beyond.”

On Thursday, amid tanking polling numbers and months of laying the groundwork to discredit unfavorable election results, Trump baselessly claimed in a tweet that universal mail-in voting (necessitated by the deadly COVID-19 pandemic) would lead to the “most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history” and proposed delaying Election Day.

In his piece, Conway nodded to conservative law professor Steven Calabresi, a co-founder of the conservative Federalist Society and former Trump supporter, who wrote later Thursday that the president’s tweet was “fascistic and is itself grounds for the president’s immediate impeachment again.”

If Trump acted on his suggestion, and if there were still time for impeachment, Conway said he would agree.

“Trump should have been removed already twice over, for obstructing the Russia investigation and extorting Ukraine,” he wrote. “His effort to sabotage a democratic system he swore to protect only confirms his unfitness for the job. But it’s too late for impeachment now.”

Instead, Conway said, Trump must face retribution after he’s voted out of office.

He wrote:

“For the sake of our constitutional republic, he must lose, and lose badly. Yet that should be just a start: We should only honor former presidents who uphold and sustain our nation’s enduring democratic values. There should be no schools, bridges or statues devoted to Trump. His name should live in infamy, and he should be remembered, if at all, for precisely what he was — not a president, but a blundering cheat.”

Read his full musings in The Washington Post.


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This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.