‘You’re Going Straight To Hell’: Jimmy Kimmel Fact-Checks Trump’s Outrageous ‘Jesus’ Claim

Jimmy Kimmel spotted one of Donald Trump’s “most nonsensical” claims about the election ever.

The former president over the weekend said he only lost California because the election was “rigged.”

“If you had a real election and Jesus came down and God came down and said, ‘I’m gonna be the scorekeeper here,’ I think we’d win there, I think we’d win in Illinois and I think we’d win in New York,” Trump insisted.

Kimmel was ready with a fact-check.

“First of all, if Jesus comes down, you’re going straight to hell,” Kimmel said, causing the audience to erupt in cheers. “No White House. No jail. Jesus is like, ‘You’re out.’”


No Republican has won any of the states Trump mentioned in more than 30 years.

Or as Kimmel put it: “You have about as much chance of winning California and New York as you do of winning an ice dancing medal at the Olympics. Zero.”

See more in his Monday night monologue: