With your help, the Herald can do more for the South Florida community
Dear Readers:
At the Miami Herald, we are committed to providing unbiased news that is essential to the South Florida community.
In this past year, our reporting teams have kept a watchful eye on critical issues in our community, pushing hard and digging deep to deliver stories like these:
Police say alcohol played no role in fatal boat crash, but bodycam video raises questions
‘Red flags on top of red flags’: Problems mount for UM athletics booster John Ruiz
They bought their dream homes from the ‘King of Coconut Grove.’ They still can’t move in
We know the community needs more. But today’s marketplace realities limit the depth and breadth of our journalism. To expand our coverage, we need your help.
We hope you will consider a tax-deductible contribution to help us better serve South Florida. Gifts of any size make a difference.
You can donate through miamiherald.com/donate. Or, if you prefer to send a check, please put Miami in the memo line and mail it to 1601 Alhambra Blvd., Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95816. Please include your email address.
Your support keeps us at the forefront of our community, bringing you the news that matters most. Thank you for being an essential part of our mission.
Alex Mena
Executive Editor of the Miami Herald & el Nuevo Herald