How hot will it get in Sacramento for Father’s Day weekend? Here’s the forecast

Do you have plans for Father’s Day?

Whether you’re barbecuing in your backyard this weekend or heading into the great outdoors, you can expect the Sacramento area to cool down a little.

The National Weather Service is forecasting warm and sunny skies for the holiday weekend, with high temperatures in the low 90s.

Here’s what is in store for the Sacramento area.

What’s in the weather forecast for Sacramento?

High temperatures in the Sacramento area will reach 97 to 106 degrees on Wednesday, according to the weather service.,


An excessive heat warning will remain in effect for the northern and central parts of the Sacramento Valley until 8 p.m. Wednesday, the weather service said in a post on X.

Winds of 8 to 13 mph will blow through the area Wednesday afternoon, before the overnight low temperature dips down to 55 degrees.

Conditions will cool down slightly on Thursday with a high of 88 degrees and an overnight low of 57 degrees.

Friday will see a high of 94 and a low of 58.

What about Father’s Day weekend?

Sacramento can expect sunny and warm weather during the Father’s Day weekend.


On Saturday, the capital city is forecast to experience a high of 92 and a low of 61.

Temperatures on Sunday will reach a high of 92 and a low of 62, according to the weather service.

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