Juan Pablo Just Shaded Clare Crawley’s ‘Bachelorette’ Season—Again

Photo credit: Tom Briglia - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tom Briglia - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

  • Juan Pablo tweeted shade about Clare Crawley’s season of The Bachelorette.

  • He’s dragging the contestants’ ages.

  • Clare clapped back at him already for his lack of kindness and compassion.

  • Juan Pablo broke up with Clare during the final rose ceremony six years ago and it did not end well.

At this point, it’s unclear whether or not Clare Crawley’s season of The Bachelorette will even happen, but in the meantime, her ex Juan Pablo is supplying all the drama you never even asked for.

Six years after Juan Pablo rudely dumped Clare during the final rose ceremony, prompting her to say, “I would never want my children having a father like you,” he decided to shade Clare’s season before it has even begun.

On Saturday, Juan Pablo took to Twitter to share his thoughts on Clare’s contestants. If you haven’t done a deep dive on all the guys yet, know that Tyler Cameron’s friend Matt James will be on the show along with a ton of former student athletes and a Lululemon model. For the most part, the contestants’ ages skew pretty young. Juan Pablo picked up on that, but the way he voiced his opinion was really shady. Also, like, who even asked him?

With confusing usage of the caps lock button, he wrote, “I just SAW the GUYS for @Clare_Crawley Bachelorette season and its gonna be INTERESTING seeing HER get hit on by KIDS on their 20s...I think this MIGHT be the 3rd SEASON Im gonna watch.”

Yeah, it was an extremely unnecessary tweet.

When Clare saw it, she clapped back with, “And yet here you are, older than 99% of them and still cant practice compassion and kindness...”

Juan Pablo then acted like Clare was blowing things out of proportion and added, “Hey, ALL I want is for you to FIND love, you taking it the WRONG way, Clare...”

And if that weren’t enough, he reignited this Twitter feud the next day and tweeted, “LEYENDO que algunas personas se SENTIRIAN ofendidas si a los 38 años le PRESENTAN alguien de 25 para que SALGA con ellas...,” which roughly translates to, “READING that some people would be offended if at the age of 38 they were PRESENTED by someone 25 to go out with them...”

While I’m glad to hear he is reading, ugh, somebody please make him stop!

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