Kittens purrfectly reenact scene from 'The Empire Strikes Back'

From YouTube.
From YouTube.

Two kittens on YouTube have added a bit of cute to one of the most dramatic moments in the entire Star Wars series.

The scene in question is from “The Empire Strikes Back”, when Darth Vader reveals to Luke Skywalker the truth about his identity.

The Empire Scratches Back is split into two horizontal screens – one featuring the “Star Wars” footage, the other showing the kitties’ reenactment.

As Luke begins to crawl away from Darth Vader across a plank, one of the kittens does the same thing across a 2×4, which is attached to a scratching post.

A close-up of Dark Vader waving his hand for emphasis as he tries to summon Luke is paralleled by a close-up of the kitten swatting its paw at something above.

As Luke clings to a free-floating ladder, his kitten counterpart clings tightly to its scratching post. The dramatic confrontation continues to cut back and forth between the close-ups and the post-clinging, until the truth is revealed and the famous line is uttered – “No… I am your father.”

Luke reacts by screaming, as the kitten responds, naturally, by hissing.