Lottery player wins big prize in Washington — then has to convince his wife it’s real

A structures mechanic for Boeing stopped to get gas and lottery tickets before work one morning in Washington.

When Jesse Carrillo from Snohomish got to work early, he scratched his Mega Cash Scratch tickets, Washington’s Lottery said in a March 29 news release.

Then Carrillo realized he won a big prize from one of them — $200,000.

He quickly called his wife to tell her about his win, but she didn’t believe him.

Once he convinced her of his win, she raced to his work to grab the ticket and keep it safe, lottery officials said.

Carrillo went to the regional lottery office in Everett the next day to claim his prize.


He told lottery officials he plans to use the money for a family vacation and a car for his daughter. He’s also been looking at new homes.

If you or a loved one shows signs of gambling addiction, you can seek help by calling the national gambling hotline at 1-800-522-4700 or visiting the National Council on Problem Gambling website.

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