Lottery ticket that caught SC man’s eye at convenience store was grand prize-winning game

The eye-catching design of a scratch-off lottery ticket enticed a Midlands man to buy the game, according to South Carolina Education Lottery officials.

The spontaneous decision to purchase the attention-getting Mighty Jumbo Bucks scratch-off ticket for $10 paid off, as the man won the lottery game’s $375,000 grand prize, officials said Tuesday in a news release.

“It was great,” the winner said in the release.

The six-figure winning lottery game was sold at the Grocery Convenience Store on Paxville Highway in Manning, according to the release. That’s in Clarendon County, not far from Exit 119 on Interstate 95.

Instead of spending the money, officials said the man told them that he’s going to save his newfound windfall.

The winner will be allowed to retain some privacy, as South Carolina is one of 11 states — along with Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Maryland, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas and Virginia — that allow lottery winners to remain anonymous.

The odds of winning the top prize in the Mighty Jumbo Bucks game were 1-in-960,000, according to the release. This was the last of the game’s eight top prize-winning tickets to be claimed, officials said.

The convenience store received a commission of $3,750 for selling the claimed ticket, according to the release.