Lottery winner celebrates jackpot ticket with everyone in bar. ‘Such a fun experience’

A Michigan Lottery player who won a big jackpot prize while at a bar quickly had plenty of people to celebrate with.

Rodd Cunningham, 49, said he bought two Jackpot Slots Fast Cash tickets while at Old Detroit Bar and Grille in Lake Orion on Nov. 27.

He initially thought both tickets wouldn’t be winners.

“I didn’t have my glasses on, so I scanned them both on the app to be safe,” he told Michigan Lottery officials.

It was a good thing he did. The second ticket won the game’s jackpot of $160,405.

He said he “just about lost it” when the prize amount appeared on the screen.

“Within a few minutes, everyone in the bar knew and was celebrating with me,” Cunningham said. “It was such a fun experience!”

The Jackpot Slots game costs $10 to play. The odds of winning the jackpot, which grows with every ticket sold, are 1-in-500,000.

Cunningham plans to use his winnings to complete home improvements.

Lake Orion is about 40 miles northwest of Detroit.

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