‘I’m a student. I’m scared.’ 911 calls reveal fear amid Southeast Raleigh High stabbing.

Newly released 911 calls show Southeast Raleigh High School students and staff sheltering in place and asking for help as a student lay dying from stab wounds.

On Monday, a fight involving multiple students led to a 15-year-old student being fatally stabbed and a 16-year-old suffering non-life-threatening injuries at the high school. Video clips posted on social media by multiple students appear to show a fight spilling over from a hallway into the gymnasium.

Raleigh Police released Wednesday two 911 calls received shortly after the stabbing took place in the school’s gym.

In the first call at 11 a.m., a student tells a dispatcher they’re hiding in a bathroom amid the commotion.


“They talking about stabbing people and guns,” the student says in the call. “Can you please come to the school? Please?”

Raleigh Police have not reported that any guns were found during their investigation of the stabbing. A 14-year-old student has been charged with murder and could be tried in adult court.

“I’m a student, I”m scared,” the student later tells the dispatcher. The student can also be heard in the call asking other students what happened.

A minute later at 11:01 a.m., a school employee called 911 asking if police are coming. The dispatcher told the employee that the school resource officer had called for EMS to respond.

The dispatcher told the employee to remain in place while help is sent..