Meiosis vs. Mitosis: Unraveling Cell Division

mitosis, meiosis
Mitosis is the division of a single cell into two cells (as shown here), each with its own nucleus and the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis occurs when a single cell divides twice to produce four cells containing half the original amount of genetic information. Juhari Muhade/Getty Images

In the beginning, you were just some genetic material. In order to make you, your biological mom and dad both had to participate in an effort to pitch in one gamete each — a sperm cell and an egg cell, each with 23 chromosomes.

Here's where some complicated genetic juju had to go down — a process called mitosis, as well as its sister process, meiosis, which is equally important, but not as common. So wait ... meiosis versus meitosis? What's the difference?

What Is Mitosis?

Mitosis is a fundamental process in cell biology, driving the division of a single cell into two daughter cells. Cell division ensures that an organism's body cells continue to thrive and replace damaged or worn-out cells.


Thanks to mitosis, we're able to generate identical copies of cells, such as those used in tissue repair and growth.

The Process of Mitosis

During mitosis, a diploid parent cell undergoes a series of events. The nucleus of the parent cell divides, culminating in the formation of two genetically identical diploid somatic cells, or daughter cells.

This means that each daughter cell possesses an exact copy of the parent cell's genetic material, with the same chromosome number and genetic information.

One of the key players in this process includes the mitotic spindle, a complex structure of spindle microtubules that guides the orderly separation of chromosomes.

As the chromosomes line up along the metaphase plate, they undergo precise segregation into the two daughter cells during anaphase. Meanwhile, the nuclear membrane disassembles and reassembles, ensuring a smooth transition.

The Importance of Mitosis

Mitosis is essential for the growth, repair, and maintenance of multicellular organisms. It allows for the constant renewal of cells like skin, blood, and muscle, all while ensuring that these new cells are genetically identical to their parent cells.


In essence, mitosis is the cellular workhorse that keeps our bodies functioning smoothly.

What Is Meiosis?

Meiosis is a pivotal process in sexual reproduction, distinct from mitosis, as it aims to create genetic diversity.

Meiosis begins with a diploid parent cell, but it doesn't stop at just two daughter cells. Instead, it proceeds through two distinct stages: Meiosis I and Meiosis II.

Meiosis I: Exchanging Genetic Material

The initial stage, Meiosis I, involves a crucial step: homologous recombination, where homologous chromosomes from each parent exchange genetic material. This process shuffles the genetic deck, mixing and matching alleles (versions of genes) from both parents.

As a result of Meiosis I, two haploid daughter cells emerge, each with a unique combination of genetic material. These cells only possess one version of each gene, as opposed to the two versions found in a diploid cell. But the genetic diversity doesn't end there.

Meiosis II: The Formation of Gametes

Meiosis II follows, and haploid cells divide further. This second division results in four haploid daughter cells, each with distinct genetic compositions. These specialized cells are known as gametes, or sex cells, and they play a pivotal role in sexual reproduction.


During fertilization, reproductive cells (i.e., sperm cells) carrying their own unique genetic information fuse with egg cells, similarly loaded with distinctive genetic material. This union results in a zygotes with a complete set of genes, comprising contributions from both parents.

Meiosis is the architect of genetic variation, enhancing an organism's adaptability to a changing world. The meiotic process ensures that every sexual reproduction event yields genetic combinations that are truly unique — a crucial element in the creation of each new generation.

What's the Difference Between Meiosis and Mitosis?

"The key to understanding the difference between mitosis and meiosis is not in the steps, but in the final products of each," says Brandon Jackson, assistant professor in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at Virginia's Longwood University.

"Mitosis results in two identical 'daughter' cells, each with two versions of every gene — one version from each parent, just like every cell in the body," he continues. "Meiosis results in four cells called gametes — sex cells — but each has only one version of each gene. This way, when sperm and egg fuse during fertilization, the resulting zygote is back to having two versions of each gene."


So, if cells are dividing, it's almost always through mitosis, unless the product is a gamete that's planning to meet up with another gamete to make a new organism.

In this case, each cell can only have 23 chromosomes instead of the normal 46. So, some shuffling needs to happen in order to make sure each sex cell has half the chromosomes of a normal cell.

It's difficult to describe the differences between the processes of mitosis and meiosis without using terms like 'homologous recombination' and "cytokinesis," which are confusing. It helps to stop thinking about cell division in terms of chromosomes for a moment and, start thinking about sentences.

"Mitosis versus meiosis is my students' nemesis!" says Jackson. "But since DNA is a lot like words strung together to make sentences, we can use words to analogize these events."

Visualizing Chromosome Separation

One exercise Jackson does in his biology classes involves taking two sentences and calling them "chromosomes." For the sake of this article, we made Sentence 1 bold to make it easy to follow its path through the processes of mitosis and meiosis.

Both these sentences describe basically the same idea, but Sentence 1 (an egg cell, with 23 chromosomes) comes from the female parent (in bold), and Sentence 2 (a sperm cell, also with 23 chromosomes) comes from the male parent.

Sentence 1: Imagine a rabbit hiding in the bushes.

Sentence 2: Conceptualize a hare cloaked in vegetation.

Both mitosis and meiosis start from here and duplicate the DNA, giving us two of each sentence.

Imagine a rabbit hiding in the bushes.

Imagine a rabbit hiding in the bushes.

Conceptualize a hare cloaked in vegetation.

Conceptualize a hare cloaked in vegetation.

The next step of mitosis separates the duplicates, and then sorts them back out to create twin cells that each contain genetic material inherited from both mother and father. Those can later make duplicates of themselves that are pretty much exactly like the duplicates your red blood cells or liver cells made last year or 20 years ago.

Imagine a rabbit hiding in the bushes.

Conceptualize a hare cloaked in vegetation.

Imagine a rabbit hiding in the bushes.

Conceptualize a hare cloaked in vegetation.

The first stage of meiosis, (scientifically known as Meiosis I), takes the duplicated DNA that marks the beginning of the mitosis process, copies it, which results in two daughter cells, each containing with full sets of chromosomes and then shuffles them up like a deck of cards:

Conceptualize a rabbit hiding in the vegetation.

Imagine a hare cloaked in bushes.

Imagine a rabbit cloaked in bushes.

Conceptualize a hare hiding in the vegetation.

The first step (scientifically known as Meiosis I) is when a single cell is copied resulting in two daughter cells, each containing a full set of chromosomes.

Conceptualize a rabbit hiding in the vegetation.

Imagine a hare cloaked in bushes.

Imagine a rabbit cloaked in bushes.

Conceptualize a hare hiding in the vegetation.

The second step (scientifically known as Meiosis II) then separates the new daughter cells, putting each into its own cell, leaving four cells with different DNA in each.

Conceptualize a rabbit hiding in the vegetation.

Imagine a hare cloaked in bushes.

Imagine a rabbit cloaked in bushes.

Conceptualize a hare hiding in the vegetation.

"Each sentence says the same thing, but with different versions of each word — each version being an allele, in DNA speak," says Jackson. "Each allele is a mix of words from the male and female parents."

The Purpose of Meiosis

Phew! Meiosis seems like a whole lot of work! Why go through the hassle when you could just do some quick mitosis and be done with it?

"Variation!" says Jackson. "This is the first part of sexual reproduction, the point of which is to increase genetic variation, and this increases an organism's ability to continue to adapt to a changing world."

Let's say the last gamete above (those are the "sentences" formed by meiosis) fertilizes another gamete that says,

Consider a bunny disguised by weeds.

That would make a new cell and organism with the following DNA profile:

Conceptualize a hare hiding in the vegetation.

Consider a bunny disguised by weeds.

Not only is that different than our parent cell, the one we started with, but it's different than either of the grandparents.

And if you have dozens of these sentences — humans have 23 pairs of "sentences," after all — and each sentence has thousands of words, every meiosis and fertilization event results in genetic combinations that have probably never existed.

Which is, of course, why you're so special.

Now That's Interesting

Meiosis was first observed in sea urchin eggs in 1876 by the German biologist Oscar Hertwig.

This article was updated in conjunction with AI technology, then fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.

Original article: Meiosis vs. Mitosis: Unraveling Cell Division

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