Michael Dublin, Green Party candidate for US House District 2 in NC, answers our questions
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Name: Michael Dublin
District/seat: Congressional District 2
Political party: Green
Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 41
Campaign website: dublin4congress.org
Current occupation: Teacher
Professional experience: 24 years of teaching. Various other jobs previous to returning to school to complete my education and answering the call to become an educator and mentor in the public school setting. I volunteered in prison ministry for over two decades.
Education: North Carolina State University
Please list any notable government or civic involvement. This term notable is subjective. Notable to whom? I have been voting since 1986. I was engaged in social, political and environmental actions before that. I have been a boot on the ground and a voice in the street since the early 1980s. Even in the 1970s I was a young member of the NAACP. My involvement is notable to me and those I stand for justice with.
What would be your top priority if elected?
Currently, the top priority is to stop the genocide in Gaza and other areas around the globe. Since my youth I have never understood why in a country as rich and religious as ours we will not provide universal health care such as Medicaid for All. Health care is a human right. I also advocate for a livable wage of at least $25 an hour. I support cash reparations for descendants of slaves in the USA. I support the True Green New Deal because we don’t have a spare planet in the trunk.
How would you describe the state of the economy and what would you do to improve it?
Our economy is predatory. The super rich get richer; don’t pay enough taxes as they should with a progressive tax structure. Paying the workers what they deserve, taxing the rich corporations what they deserve and making sure everyone has health care (real health care, not junk health care, or access to health care that our slick politicians with their plastic promises advocate.)
What should Congress do to ensure that it meets its deadline to fund the government?
Stop playing these cat and mouse game with real people’s lives in the balance. Congress knows when these appropriation bills are due. Yet, too many of the members want to get on the House or Senate floor and put on a theatrical production for their constituents that would make Bugs Bunny proud.
Will you certify the results of the presidential election?
Is there an issue on which you disagree with your party? What is your position on that issue?
Whereas I agree with this: Achieve 100% clean renewable energy and zero-to-negative carbon emissions by no later than 2035, I’m not sure I totally agree with this: ensure no new nuclear energy facilities are constructed. I’m not sure I am ready to close the door on all nuclear power plants.
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