MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ Brands Trump’s Defense Team a ‘Confederacy of Dunces’

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough called President Trump’s legal team a “confederacy of dunces” Tuesday morning, then he and his co-hosts spent over six minutes backing up the claim.

“We heard Jay Sekulow’s defense to defending the president: Namely, pretending John Bolton doesn’t exist,” said co-host Mika Brzezinski, describing how the various defense lawyers have made their cases in Trump’s impeachment trial now that it has reached the Senate.

She continued, naming lawyers one by one: “There was Ken Starr, who lamented the acrimony involved in presidential impeachments. Then there was Alan Dershowitz who says even if every single thing is true, the president should still remain in office. There was former Florida attorney general Pam Bondi who spent her time attacking the Bidens and then there was Trump lawyer Jane Raskin who defended Rudy Giuliani’s escapades in Ukraine.”

Also Read: Joe Scarborough: GOP Won't Come on 'Morning Joe' to Talk Debt Unless 'Democrats Are in the White House'

She concluded they made up a “team of I-don’t-know-what,” and Scarborough laughed before saying Trump had a “confederacy of dunces defending him in impeachment.”

“Their arguments were absolutely stunning,” Scarborough said.

The Senate is set to reconvene and resume hearing Trump’s legal defense’s arguments on Tuesday at 1 p.m. ET. It will be the Trump’s team’s third and final day presenting their opening arguments.

Read original story MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ Brands Trump’s Defense Team a ‘Confederacy of Dunces’ At TheWrap