Nicole Victoria Built a $500k Net Worth in Her 20s, and now She's Teaching Millennial Women Her Secrets

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / September 21, 2020 / Nicole Victoria, AKA The No Budget Babe, is a Money Coach, CEO and financial literacy advocate who founded The MAKIN' Money Moves Method. This signature process shows 20 and 30 somethings how to gain effortless control over their money and build bank accounts that never stop growing. After paying off $40,000 in student debts in 18 months, and growing her net worth to over $500,000 in her 20s, she made it her mission to help young women become financially successful and set themselves up for all the successes with money that they've ever dreamed of - without giving up what they love, and without a restrictive budget.

"I did what you were supposed to do" Nicole says, "I took the student loans, graduated with crippling debt, and started working my 9-5 right out of university with no real plan for the future".

"I kept watching my friends move forward; buying houses, having weddings, having kids - and I couldn't help but wonder why I felt like I was missing a copy of the instructions to life that everyone else seemed to have".

Nicole was living a life that so many other millennials feel like they're stuck in: thousands in student loan debt, making more money than they ever have before, but still having nothing to show for it.

She knew that there had to be more to life than living paycheck to paycheck, so she got to work and learned everything she could about personal finance.

Nicole paid off 40k in debt in 18 months, saved her first $100,000 by 25, and has now amassed an over $500k net worth in her 20s.

"The success didn't happen overnight" The No Budget Babe explained, "but when I refined my plan and stopped trying to deprive myself with restrictive budgets, it's amazing how quickly things changed".

And now she's made it her mission to help other millennial women do the same, without the outdated advice that so many push on her generation.

"We're told that we have to give up everything we love to get ahead with money, that the morning Starbucks is the only reason we can't buy a house.. but I'm here to change that narrative".

Nicole is the CEO of No Budget Babe, a Financial Literacy Company aimed at helping educate and inform millennial women on how to win with money, without a budget and without giving up everything that they love.

She takes a unique approach to money management, and it's one her clients and online community can't stop raving about - but the results really speak for themselves.

"I make millionaires" Nicole explains. "The women coming into my program are making good incomes, but are finding they have nothing to show for it. Money is flying out of their lives faster than they know what's happening, and my program is the net to catch that money. Once we've caught it, I teach them exactly what to do to get those dollars working harder than they do - and when we can harness the power of compound interest, that's when the real magic happens. My goal is to help the Mega Money Babes who work with me reach millionaire status in their lifetime through saving and investing, without giving up everything that they love".

"I've spoken with clients going through my coaching programs and after just one session have told me they're sleeping better, they're less stressed, they're losing weight, and they're having better relationships with their partners than they've had in years" says Nicole. "It's incredible to see the other tangible life benefits of getting your finances in order, and how quickly they can be realized".

Nicole's signature teachings, The Makin' Money Moves Method, is the exact process she took to get out of debt and build a multiple 6 figure net worth in her 20s - and she's made it her mission to change the trajectory of as many lives as possible.

"The company is going through a massive growth period - there is demand for this type of education. People want to know how to actually break the vicious cycle they're in, and they don't want to use outdated methods like budgets to achieve them".

"Budgets are like diets: they might work for a month or two, but they don't address the real problem- they're a bandaid approach, and that's why so many people are feeling stuck. I'm here to change that narrative and show women their dreams are possible, and they don't need to wait on anyone else to come save them".

The No Budget Babe aims to help young women take control of their financial futures: "Don't marry a breadwinner, be a breadwinner".

Applications are now open for Nicole's 3 month life changing program. In addition to her coaching services, The No Budget Babe also provides self study courses for beginner investors (The Millionaire Investor), and e book resources ranging in topics from buying your first home with wealth building in mind (The Smart Money Home Buying Method), to step-by-step negotiation templates to start saving massive money without changing your lifestyle (The Quick Wins Playbook). You can find out more about them on her No Budget Babe website, or through her social media platforms: Instagram, TikTok, and her Facebook community where she provides free coaching services to members.

Contact The No Budget Babe team with any inquiries.

SOURCE: No Budget Babe

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