Oft-malfunctioning Tacoma bridge closed once again. This time by cold weather, city says

The Hylebos Bridge on the Tacoma Tideflats is closed to car traffic again.

The Hylebos Bridge is temporarily closed again. This time it’s because it’s cold outside.

The drawbridge on Tacoma’s Tideflats is having mechanical issues caused by cold weather. As a precautionary measure, the city has locked the bridge in the up position to allow shipping traffic but not vehicle traffic. The up-and-down-again bridge closed most recently in December while a motor was replaced.

“The bridge will remain closed to vehicular traffic until the cold weather subsides, and updates will be shared as they become available,” the City of Tacoma said in a release.

The fair weather bridge, located off East 11th Street, will have to endure the cold weather through next week. Low temperatures are forecast to be at or below freezing into next weekend.