Justin Trudeau gives men tip on using urinals at bar bathrooms

PM Trudeau has some advice for men when it comes to flushing a urinal at a bar. Photo from The Canadian Press
PM Trudeau has some advice for men when it comes to flushing a urinal at a bar. Photo from The Canadian Press

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has some advice for men concerned with cleanliness after relieving themselves at their local watering hole.

Trudeau recently sat down to record his first ever podcast as Canada’s prime minister for the April 24th episode of The Jonah Keri Podcast. Hosted by Montreal-born sports journalist Jonah Keri, the podcast features the Liberal Party leader discussing a number of topics — some serious and others slightly more personal. In the hour-long interview, he touched on everything from U.S.-Canada relations, the global refugee crisis, and his love of the Montreal Expos.

But it was a parting piece of advice the prime minister gave regarding proper bathroom etiquette that will notably stand out for male listeners.

“One last question, which I do at the end of every podcast, is I always ask the guest for a life tip, a nugget of wisdom,” Keri said, before clarifying that the tip could be either very serious or very silly.

“So I throw it out to you. It’s one thing that is just, if I met you in a bar you’d say, ‘Oh yeah, this is what I’m about,'” Keris said.

Trudeau responded rather simply: “In a bar? Flush the urinal with your elbow.”

It’s some practical life advice, perfect for when there’s no automatic flush and the bar bathroom you find yourself in isn’t up to sanitary standards.

And it’s also a tip that Trudeau’s southern counterpart, U.S. President Donald Trump, would also likely be very happy to hear.

Not only has America’s commander-in-chief commented in the past that he’s a huge germaphobe, but he’s also made headlines in the past for his rather, shall we say, aggressive manner of shaking hands.

But Trump can now rest easy knowing Trudeau’s hands were definitely nowhere near the handle of a urinal before their now famous handshake.

Oh, and here’s one more piece of bathroom etiquette for both guys and gals: ALWAYS remember to wash your hands when you’re finished doing your business. But you already knew that, right?