New research suggests volcanoes were still erupting on the moon when dinosaurs roamed Earth
NEW YORK (AP) — New research suggests volcanoes were still erupting on the moon when dinosaurs roamed Earth.
NEW YORK (AP) — New research suggests volcanoes were still erupting on the moon when dinosaurs roamed Earth.
Remains of a Neanderthal who may have roamed the Earth 42,000 years ago offer insight into an isolated people
The legendary masterpiece is much more than just a beautiful painting.
For almost two months, Earth will joined by a new mini-moon in it's gravitational orbit.
Ask for the Moon If NASA's Europa Clipper mission launches next month, it will be embarking on a historic scientific objective. The enormous space probe, with solar arrays roughly the length of a basketball court, is destined to travel all the way to Jupiter, where it will examine one of the gas giant's largest moons, […]
The Vikings held silver in high regard, so the find has significant historical value.
Axiom Space, the space company NASA chose to develop a private successor to the International Space Station, is in big trouble. As Forbes reports, the startup is struggling to pay the bills and has laid off hundreds of employees, while cutting the pay of those who remain. Axiom Space's plan to develop a module […]
The asteroid, named by the space agency as "2024 ON," is 621,000 miles from Earth
“It’s the entire ecosystem from an age that’s gone.”
September 17's full moon will be a supermoon and a harvest moon. A partial lunar eclipse will also happen the same night.
In an open letter, the scientists warned that a misstep with AI could bring “ catastrophic outcomes” for humans.
NASA is weeks away from sending its Clipper orbiter on a journey to the Jupiter moon Europa, which scientists believe could harbor conditions for life.
Scientists have discovered the longest pair of jets streaming from a black hole in a distant galaxy. The jets shooting hot plasma are the largest ever spotted – about as long as 140 Milky Way galaxies lined up end-to-end. “This one has managed to reach a size that’s so big,” said Eileen Meyer, who studies black holes at University of Maryland, Baltimore County and who was not involved in the study.
'Hidden Figures' of the space race receive Congress' highest honor at medal ceremony
The settlement near Great Staughton, Cambridgeshire, was revealed after extensive evaluation work.
NASA has doled out billions to work with private companies on space hauls. It’s still unclear what value the space agency is getting for taxpayers’ money.
NASA has finished building its spacecraft bus to deploy the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope into orbit after the space agency finishes installing its scientific instruments and the telescope.
A partial lunar eclipse will coincide with this week's Harvest Moon, which also happens to be an exceptionally bright and large supermoon.
Black female mathematicians, aeronautical engineers and human computers who worked for NASA during the 20th-century space race were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal on Capitol Hill.
Scientists say microscopic black holes could explain the elusive "dark matter" that makes up a quarter of all matter in the universe. But can it be proven?
Supermoons are known for being extra bright, but Tuesday night's will be an exception, as it briefly darkens due to 'interference' from Earth.