Salmonella outbreak with case in California is ‘affecting mostly infants,’ CDC says

A Salmonella outbreak — affecting mostly babies and linked to dry pet food — has been reported in seven states.

California is one of them, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

According to a statement, one of the seven reports has resulted in hospitalization but no deaths have been reported. A majority of the people affected are under 1 year old because “their immune systems are still developing.”

The outbreak is linked to Victor Hi-Pro Plus dry dog food, manufactured by Mid America Pet Food, which has been recalled in the past by the Food and Drug Administration. The infected strain was detected during “routine testing,” the CDC stated.

Young children can get sick from contaminated pet food if it’s left unattended or if guardians don’t wash their hands after touching it.

What you should do next

The CDC advises both business and pet owners to throw away recalled dry pet food in a sealed bag and then inside a sealed trash can.

Clean surfaces that might have come into contact with the food and be sure to wash your hands after feeding your pet and handling their items.

Businesses should take Victor Hi-Pro Plus dry pet food off their shelves. Mid America Pet Food expanded an earlier voluntary recall to include pet food products, including the Hi-Pro Plus and others, with best by dates before Oct. 30, 2024 made at its Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, facility.

Questions should be directed to 1-888-428-7544, the Victor’s costumer service line, from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Salmonella symptoms

If you contract salmonella, symptoms can start as early as six hours after ingesting the bacteria. Here are common symptoms, according to the FDA:

  • Diarrhea (could be bloody)

  • Fever

  • Nausea

  • Stomach pains


While pets don’t typically get sick from salmonella, the germ could be spread through their saliva and poop. Here’s which symptoms to look out for:

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea (could be bloody)

  • Fever

  • Loss of appetite

  • Decreased activity level

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