SGI catches snoop in Vonda, notifying customers of privacy breach

SGI broker, false expenses cost Sask. taxpayers thousands

Someone in an SGI office in Vonda, Sask. has been snooping.

That's the finding of an SGI investigation after a privacy breach was discovered.

The insurance company said customers are being notified.

SGI said in new release that a worker at an independent motor licence issuer in the community was snooping and making random searches for no good reason.

The insurance company suggested that investigators do not believe there has been, nor will there be, any harm to affected customers as a result of this privacy breach. SGI said it does not think that any of the information was disclosed to another party or used maliciously.

Information that was improperly accessed included things like dates of birth and addresses. According to SGI, no driving or medical records were viewed.

The employee caught snooping can no longer access SGI computers.