
SGI, police to focus on vulnerable road users in April

With rising temperatures and snow melting, spring weather is around the corner, which means an increase in two-wheel traffic on the Saskatchewan roadways.

Saskatchewan Government Insurance and law enforcement will be focusing on the safety of vulnerable road users throughout the month of April.

This will include dangerous traffic behaviours by pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, as well as dangerous actions towards them by drivers.

Police will be watching for drivers not sharing the road safely with vulnerable road users.

"We just want to remind drivers out there to keep an extra look out for them," said Marie Schultz, a spokesperson for SGI.

"Don't follow them so closely, listen for them and just give them room and treat them like any other motor vehicle on the road."

The latest SGI statistics indicate there are more than 57,000 riders with an 'experienced' classification on their motorcycle licence.

There are 970 people with MC novice 1 licences, 1,856 with novice 2 classifications.

The eye-popping statistic is the number of new riders.

19,893 riders are holding MC learner licences as of March 20 of this year.

"Lack of experience is definitely a big issue, we do want them to get more experience before we let them go out without any restrictions." said Schultz.

Restrictions apply mostly to safety gear such as full fingered gloves, over the ankle boots. As well, and arms and legs have to be covered for anyone with an MC learner licence.

SGI is also issuing a reminder, the new rules regarding drinking and driving applies to motorcyclists too.

"One of the big things right now for all new riders and anyone aged 21 and under is that there is absolutely zero tolerance for impaired driving, so if you're going out for one beer leave the bike at home, plan a safe ride home."

It won't be just drivers and motorcyclists under watchful eyes.

As part of the vulnerable road users campaign, police will also be looking for pedestrians crossing the street before it's safe. They will also have an eye out for cyclists disobeying traffic signs and lights.