Shearwater Aviation Museum final resting place for 1916 flag

It's a flag with a long history.

And now the Union Jack that has been through war will have its final resting place at the Shearwater Aviation Museum.

A presentation for the well-worn and much loved flag was held on HMCS Sackville on Tuesday.

"It symbolizes what ordinary Canadians can do when they undertake extraordinary events and are successful," said Hugh MacPherson, with the Canadian Navy Memorial Trust.

Flag history

The flag began its journey back in 1916 with two brothers from Quebec, Roy and Donald Foss.

The Foss brothers went to Halifax and signed up for overseas duty.

They took the flag with them as a memento of Canada and possibly a good luck charm.

The flag flew with them on their practice runs with the Royal Air Force.

It was also with the brothers during the First World War when they first saw action on the Western Front in 1917.

New home

Roy and Donald Foss returned to Canada safely, along with their battle weary flag, after the war ended.

For the past 96 years, the Union Jack has been in safe keeping by the family and later with a friend who donated it to HMCS Sackville.

The flag will now be part of the Shearwater Aviation Museum war collection.