Snapchat No Longer Requires Users To Press and Hold Screen to View an Image or Video

The latest ‘Tap to View’ Snapchat update means that users no longer have to press and hold the screen to view images and video.

Previously, users had to hold a finger or thumb down on the screen, which was not only cumbersome for long videos, but also meant that part of the screen was always blocked from view.

Though Snapchat admits that the new technique may take a little getting used to for long-time users of the app, it says that: “This means no more tired thumbs while watching a several-hundred-second Story”.

Snapchat Stories enable users to add photos and videos together to create a slideshow-style montage. Each snap disappears 24 hours after it’s posted.

Alongside the much-needed update, Snapchat also introduced ‘Add Nearby’ which makes it easier for friends to add each other when they’re all together. When everyone opens up Add Nearby at the same time, a list of friends will appear on the screen.

Snapchat has also added selfies to the Snapcode - the QR code-based profile picture that Snapchat users can scan to add new friends. Adding a selfie to the middle of the snapcode makes it easier for friends to recognise each other on the app.