Sound Off: Sept. 10, 2024
The debate
Over the last month, there has been weekly Sound Offs about how Donadl Trump won’t debate Vice President Harris. Now that Trump has agreed to multiple debates, it is Harris who says she won’t debate unless it’s only on ABC. Are we allowed to complain weekly, or at least once in the newspaper, about how Harris is dodging debates? She only wants to appear on the network that was accused of giving Biden the debate questions, before the debate night. I wonder what caused her to do that?
The border
It was comical to see a post about the border that made no mention of the millions of illegals that crossed under President Biden’s watch the first three years. -- only mentioning ‘apprehensions.’
He’s going to lose
Attention, Donald Trump supporters: Everyone knows that this is Trump’s election to win or lose. Well, don’t be surprised if he loses it because of his snide remarks about Vice President Harris and her running mate. Most decent people don’t like it and it looks bad on him. It looks like he’s giving the momentum to the Democrats.
All about himself
The term egocentric describes someone who is self-focused and unable to imagine any other perspective than their own. There are parallels to this personality and narcissism. Example: “The crowd at my rally was very, very big. Even larger than Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech.” Remind you of anyone?
Pillsbury comes to mind with Donald Trump. He’s like a pancake, flip-flop-flip. He changes his values on a political whim. Whether it’s women’s rights, IVF treatment, tax credits, comments regarding the military, nearly every issue. He has no values, only says what he thinks will please his current TV audience and to get attention.
More people
The writer who claims we have enough people and don’t need any more must have missed it when his cult leader stated that “we need more babies” while lying that he would make IVF free for all.
Buckle up
Donald Trump has set the stage for another year of turmoil and hate He has now publicly stated “he has every right” to interfere with the election. That’s him saying again he will not except election results unless he wins. He already is involved with the fake elector scheme from last election. He is intent on ending democracy. There is nothing patriotic in supporting him.
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