The Supreme Court stole my bodily autonomy, with the help of the Idaho Legislature | Opinion

My bodily freedom has been stolen

Over the last year, I have slowly watched my freedom being ripped away from me. In 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v .Wade, a law that protected my body and every other woman in the United States.

Putting bans on abortions won’t completely remove the practice, it only makes them unsafe. Women will still search out ways to get an abortion, but without access to safe operations, more women’s lives are put at risk.

When abortions are legal, more women will be able to choose for themselves. Taking the choice away, more children will be put up for adoption. While that seems like a great idea, what people don’t see is the broken system that is the foster system. Not all children find their happy home. Yes, there are happy stories, but let’s be honest, some women are not ready for the financial struggle of children.


The overturn of Roe v Wade is a change in the wrong direction, putting strains on women’s freedom. While many would believe that abortions promote a culture where anything and everything is disposable, abortion clinics are a safe place for women to have a procedure done that will help them in the long run.

Lindsay Gill, Twin Falls

Crapo should back child tax credit

I read with interest your recent article “Conservatives call for big business tax cuts while White House backs child tax credit.” It’s not just the White House backing the child tax credit (CTC). Pro-family advocates all over the country recognize that expanding the benefits of the CTC can be a stepping stone for families to avoid financial ruin and escape poverty. Currently, many low-income families are not receiving the full benefit and the lowest-income families, including grandparents raising their grandkids, receive no benefits at all.

Why is an Ohioan writing to an Idaho newspaper? Because Sen. Mike Crapo is one of the most important lawmakers in the tax negotiations. I want him to know that in his role on the Senate Finance Committee, he can affect the future of all Americans. A tax deal before the end of the year that includes a CTC expansion would be the best holiday gift for the 19 million children denied the full credit.


Allison Gallaher, Grafton, Ohio

When will we end the faith healing exemption?

As the upcoming legislative session for Idaho approaches, I would like to ask legislators from all over the state a very important question: When will they take steps to make sure that parents and guardians are held accountable when children die from medical neglect due to “faith healing?”

Over 200 children since the 1970s have perished and the parents have received zero consequences.

This is all apparently for “religious freedom.”

Our legislation is very concerned with the reproductive actions of people and heartbeats of fetuses, but apparently, the graveyard of children in rural Idaho is of no concern and continues to be pushed aside year after year to protect children from gender-affirming care and various other boogeymen.


If we do value religious freedom so much that we are willing to make sure faith healing can happen, why can’t that same logic be applied to other healthcare such as abortion and gender-affirming care.

Why is it only a religious value of children suffer and die?

Rowan Astra, Boise

Loneliness is rooted in work obsession

The World Health Organization has called loneliness “a pressing health threat”, and with 1 in 4 Americans feeling severely lonely it’s clear we have an issue. That issue is perpetuated through American work culture.

Americans work an average of 8.5 hours a day and 38.5 a week on top of personal responsibilities. It’s no wonder so many people feel tired or burnt out after working. Along with the fact that everyone has to work in order to live and afford basic necessities, which many are barely able to afford. This makes Americans feel hopeless when the work day ends, and when you end a day already exhausted, why spend your precious time out and about being social.


Our loneliness is because work has become more important than being happy, sapping our time and energy. If we want to combat this growing issue, we need to attack the roots.

Studies have shown that shortened work weeks, increased pay, and social safety nets help workers feel more secure and less burnt out. If we want to end loneliness, we need to focus less on working and more on happiness.

Nathan Akwenuke, Twin Falls

Lockdown drills help in today’s schools

Fire drills have been proven to save lives, and as a result, there have been no fire-related deaths in American schools in the past few decades. Fire drills eliminate the death of students because when the fire alarm goes off, students know they need to evacuate without question, immediately due to the constant fire drills schools practice. This practice and preparation should be extended to school lockdown drills to ensure student preparation during school shootings or emergencies.

Although lockdown drills are not going to solve the underlying problem of school shootings, students should be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Monthly lockdown drills will decrease student anxiety in the case of an actual emergency because there will be limited chaos or confusion about where students should go or what teachers should do.

Lockdown drills will also ensure that all procedures are done correctly, such as adequately locked doors, closed curtains, and appropriate student behavior. Proper lockdown drills will make actual lockdown drills more effective, so the Twin Falls School District should practice monthly lockdown drills to save student lives. If Canyon Ridge High School students had been prepared for the hoax lockdown last year, their general anxiety during the lockdown would have been lessened.

Kloee Perry, Twin Falls