Tell Us The Toxic, Problematic, Or Out-Of-Touch Things Celebs Do That You're Simply Tired Of

Celebrities. You either love 'em or hate 'em. Either way, people aren't afraid to call them out when they cross the line.

Woman in a red and black outfit saying "That's when you cross the line" with hand gestures

So I'm curious: What are some toxic things that famous people do?

A guilty-looking Chris Pratt

Like, maybe you're tired of celebs who promote brands or sell products to fans that they don't even use — or, are actually terrible — just to make money.

A "Real Housewives" star pretends to make it rain with money

Perhaps you feel that some famous people do things that show they don't read the room very well — like throwing a party in the middle of a pandemic.

Kim Kardashian wearing a white robe, looking at something off-camera with a thoughtful expression and one finger on her lips

Maybe you think there are a lot of celebs who don't treat other people — like their fans or people who work for them — well AT ALL.

Jennifer Lopez with her eyes closed and teeth clenched as if reacting strongly, cringing

Or maybe you think famous people's apologies after they receive backlash are typically, well, insincere.

Charlie Day, holding his temples with both hands, appears stressed

Time to spill. In the comments below, tell us something celebs do that is toxic — and be sure to explain why you think it's toxic. Or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, feel free to use this Google form. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.