There's a bear in northwest Calgary, Alberta Fish and Wildlife confirm

A bear has been spotted in northwest Calgary around the neighbourhood of Hawkwood. (Dave Gilson/CBC - image credit)
A bear has been spotted in northwest Calgary around the neighbourhood of Hawkwood. (Dave Gilson/CBC - image credit)

Throughout the past week, a black bear has been making its way around northwest Calgary.

Alberta Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Services starting receiving reports that the animal was seen in that quadrant of the city on Aug. 30, but did not hear anything else about it for almost a week.

"Officers interpreted it as the bear moving on," the government agency said in a statement. "Reports did not include any mention of food conditioning or aggressive behaviour."

That changed on Thursday when officers got new reports of a bear spotted in the neighbourhood of Hawkwood — around Hawkwood Boulevard and John Laurie Boulevard — that they think is the same bear that was initially reported.

Residents of the community also took to Facebook, saying a bear has been seen around the area.

"Officers are tracking it closely before they attempt to immobilize and relocate the bear to a safer or more suitable area, away from potential conflicts with humans," Alberta Fish and Wildlife said.

"This bear has been actively moving around the area."

Alberta Fish and Wildlife said it is not uncommon for residents to see wildlife in their communities, especially at this time of year, as they move into a state of increased eating to fatten up for winter.