People Are Sharing The Baby Name That Immediately Makes Them Lose Respect For The Parents, And They're Worse Than You'd Expect
People on Quora have decided to start sharing the baby names they loathe. Since anything goes when naming your kids these days, here are some of the wildest names people have actually heard:
1."As a teacher, I regularly see names that make me cringe, though not necessarily ready to commit violence. I once had a girl named Bo-peep. Her sister Bambi was in my class the following year. I also had a girl whose first name was Rice — and her middle name was Aroni. Yes, like the 'San Francisco treat!' Another young lady was named Summer, which sounded great — until I saw her middle name was Eve. Yep, like the disposable feminine hygiene products. One girl was named Marriott — born nine months to the day after her parents' wedding because 'that's where she was made' (a direct quote from her dad)."
2."I PROMISE, I AM NOT FABRICATING THIS ANSWER... My cousin was at a general check-up at her pediatrician’s office — she was 17 and was waiting her turn to be called back. A nurse with a clipboard stepped into the waiting room and, with a VERY guilty look on her face, said, 'I’m sorry. Is there a Shit Head?' Everyone sat up and looked around, shocked. A rather disgruntled mom stood up with her newborn in her arms and said, in an annoyed and condescending tone, 'It’s Sh-thed.' My cousin later asked and was told it was spelled S-H-I-T-H-E-D."
3."My friends named one of their kids 'Nissan Sentra' (wish I was joking here) and, for their youngest, they couldn't come up with a name that they both agreed on. They finally settled on (wait for it) 'TEMPO ARIE' pronounced 'Temporary.' The hope was the child would be able to choose her own name when she was old enough (hence the name "Temporary'). That was 18 years ago, and she's changed her name to something far more conventional."
4."My friend recently gave birth and heard from the nurses that someone gave birth to twins who they named 'Sausage' and 'Peanut' 💀💀💀."
5."My cousin is one of those parents who seems to think a name should have as many unnecessary letters stuffed into it as possible. She named her first child Jhaydynn because apparently 'Jaden' wasn’t enough letters. Then she named her second child 'Chelleseigh.' That’s already absolutely terrible, but the worst part is that she pronounces it 'Kelsey.' We all tried to tell her that everyone would assume it was pronounced 'Chelsea' but she insisted that since Christina is pronounced with a 'k' sound, Chelleseigh can be too. Needless to say, everyone who saw the name written down pronounced it 'Chelsea' and when she started school, she eventually stopped correcting people and just let them call her that. When she turned 18, she had her name legally changed to Chelsea because that’s what everyone called her anyway, and she wanted a normally spelled name."
6."Anything that’s named after a medical condition or a medication. I’ve met a baby named Salexa. Sounds pretty right? However, Celexa is an SSRI used to treat anxiety disorders and clinical depression. The worst one I can ever recall hearing was this poor little boy named Harry-Dick. No joke. The kid’s name was hyphenated to honor both of his grandpas (good intentions), but holy macadandy doodle, that is NOT a good name combination for a little boy to have all through his life. I’m sorry. He is going to be so badly teased."
7."When my wife was giving birth to our first child, it was in an OB room with another woman who was giving birth as well. I haven’t seen that in years, but it was definitely a thing in 1992. Anyway, the girl in the next bed next to us named her baby 'Vagina.' Yup, you read it correctly. Her family argued and pleaded with her not to for over an hour. Her stance was that it was the most beautiful word she could think of, and she would NOT be swayed. Obviously, we aren’t 100% sure what happened, but when we were finally moved to a single room, she was still standing her ground, and they definitely had paperwork being filled out around them. So, to our knowledge, that baby’s name is, in fact, Vagina."
8."A lady in my hometown gave birth to a little girl and named her: F E M A L E. Pronounced 'Femahly.'"
9."I had a classmate in school called Wayne, surname Kerr, making him a 'Wayne Kerr.' Then, I had another mate called 'Paul Meacock' but, as he said, it could have been worse, he could have been Russian and named Paul Meacockov!!"
10."I was helping my cousin run a field trip. I really liked to try to address each child by their name, but this one had me stumped. It was written down as 'L-a' and so I’m like, 'La?' Nope. It was pronounced ‘Ladasha.' That poor girl is going to spend her life correcting people."
11."There was a high school girl working at my local grocery store. I did a double-take at her name tag but decided to give it a shot. I said it as it was spelled: 'Thank you Serria.' She said, 'Why does everyone call me that? My name is Sierra, just spelled differently.' Honestly, if you are going for a different spelling, what's wrong with Ciara or Cierra? Why would her parents do this to her? I think she is going to be annoyed for the rest of her life."
12."I have spent years in government work, as a probation and parole officer, as a DSS investigator, and as an educator. The names I have seen are: 'Female' (pronounced Fe-maul-e). 'Debris.' Yes, like trash. Twins named 'Cocaine' and 'Marijuana.' (Feel free to look them up in the South Carolina Department of Corrections. This may come as a shock, but they were convicted on drug charges). Twins 'Orangejello' and 'Lemonjello' (pronounced Or-ang-elo and Lem-on-jelo). 'UrMajesty,' 'UrHighnessVagina (pronounced Fa-gi-nuh),' Abcde (pronounced Ab-suh-day)."
13.Oh, lord. I consider myself a relatively nice person but for some reason, I cannot get over the fact that people name their kids the absolute stupidest nonsense. Princess. Madam. Mister. Diarrhea. Black. Apple. Sir. Lochabeth. Any version of Caedan, Rayden, Haedaaan, whatever. Once, a person named 'Shanie' told me angrily, 'It’s pronounced - SHAH-NAY.' I've met a 'Breaden' who goes by 'Brayden' and a 'Cayenne' who goes by 'Cheyenne.' For the love of all things good, please learn phonics. Are people just throwing darts at the alphabet when it comes to child naming? Unique is one thing, but stupidity is another. Irrespective of what you name your child, there will likely be another person named that, there are billions of people in the world. Culturally relevant and different is one thing, but stupidity, ignorance, and arrogance are another."
14.I used to be a school bus driver. One day, doing an unfamiliar route, I stopped at my next kid's house to pick them up for school. I did a double-take at the girl's name on my clipboard. Her first name read: BikiniWanna! I'm like, 'Who on earth would name their child that?!'"
15."'Tequila.' 'Cocaine.' Both are actual names. My friend’s sister was a neonatal nurse. They weren’t supposed to criticize whatever name parents had chosen. One mom wanted to name her daughter 'Chlamydia.' She had no idea what it was. She just thought it was pretty. My friend’s sister felt obligated to tell the new mom what it meant. The new mom had no idea what it meant. She just thought it was pretty. She thanked the nurse for letting her know what it meant."
16."I once went to school with a kid named 'Suburban' and his brothers were named 'Service,' 'Sation,' and 'Shulasses' (pronounced Shoelaces). One of my client's also told me that she knew a child named 'Pain.' Please, parents, choose better. I can’t stand the kid possibly paying so much to change their name because of something dumb the parents chose. Smh."
17.And, lastly: "My grandmother’s mother’s name was Rhoda so my grandmother named her fourth child after her mother. She did not stop to consider how it would pair with our last name. Our last name is 'Rockett.' So her named was 'Rhoda Rockett.' Just effin' mean, man."
Let us know if you've ever encountered an ~unusual~ name and why it disturbed you in the comments!