Tropical Depression Hone: Friday, Aug 30 progress report from the NHC
Article first published: Friday, Aug. 30, 2024, 5 a.m. ET
As per the National Hurricane Center's 5 am Friday update, Tropical Depression Hone is 505 miles south-southeast of Midway Island and 1035 miles west of Honolulu Hawaii, with maximum sustained wind of 35 mph. It’s moving 7 mph to the west-northwest.
"A turn toward the northwest is expected Friday night through the weekend." forecasters wrote. "On the forecast track, Hone will pass south of Midway, Kure, and Pearl and Hermes Atolls this weekend." They also said "Some strengthening is forecast over the weekend and Hone is expected to become a tropical storm by Saturday."
YESTERDAY (Thursday):
Yesterday, Hone lost momentum and regressed from a tropical storm to a tropical depression, with winds of 35 miles per hour.
Source: National Hurricane Center
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