UPEI planning freedom credit courses

The UPEI Student Union is hopeful students will be able to ask for a simple pass or fail on some courses next year.

The program, known as freedom credit, allows students to request a course grade not appear on their official transcript, only if they passed or failed. They could not make this request for courses central to their discipline.

The freedom credit does not affect the overall grade point average of student, and Student Union president Lucas MacArthur said the program encourages students to take subjects not tied to their majors.

"Past research shows that students do move into exploring new programs and immerse themselves a little more in some interdisciplinary courses," said MacArthur.

"This is something the university has already said that they would like UPEI students to experience."

Freedom credits are offered at other universities. MacArthur said graduate schools appreciate students willing to take courses outside their discipline.

The university is now working on how the program would operate, and under what circumstances a student could ask for a freedom credit. The program will also needs be approved by the UPEI Senate before moving ahead.

For mobile device users:Do you like the idea of a simple pass/fail for some university courses?