
Why Does It Feel So Hard to Stay Inside?

Staying in can be great. “Netflix and chill” is a meme for a reason. More people are working remotely than ever before. And, of course, home is where the heart is—or at least where your pillows, favorite snacks, and, in Madonna’s case, vintage typewriter are. So why has the coronavirus quarantine been so hard on so many?

Because it’s not a choice, says Neil Greenberg, a psychiatrist at King’s College London. Skipping a party or working from home can feel great when you’re in control, but when staying indoors is a requirement, it can be seriously troubling for your psyche.

In a recent study, Greenberg and his colleagues reviewed 24 scientific papers on the effects of quarantine. They found the experience can cause post-traumatic stress symptoms, confusion, numbness, grief, anger, and insomnia.

According to Greenberg, for most people, these effects resolve on their own. “Though it’s frustrating and irritating for people, [quarantine] doesn’t tend to lead to long-term mental health problems,” Greenberg said. But for others, extended isolation can have more serious consequences. People who don’t have adequate supplies, steady contact with the outside world, financial support through the crisis, or a clear timeline for when the whole thing will end are the most at risk for anxiety and depression.

Staying inside can be hard on your mind and body even when you choose it. Just ask all the people who work at home: In one poll, remote workers said they loved their flexible schedules, but many struggled with loneliness. Humans are social creatures, and many of us get a slow, steady drip of interactions throughout the workday, Greenberg said. When you don’t go into an office, or can’t go outside to socialize, you may fall into a funk—unless you’re proactive about scheduling your own social interactions.

One of the most important things people can do when they’re spending lots of time at home is establish a routine, Greeneberg said. If you’re working from home, create clear boundaries so you can actually wrap up work at the end of the day. It’s also important to keep up your workout regimen and reach out to friends, family, and coworkers digitally. “Top up on the skills that kept you well before,” Greenberg said. “You need to sustain yourself.”

The built environment also shapes people’s mental and physical health. People need access to natural light, a comfortable indoor temperature, and good air quality to function. Small things, like houseplants and a work-from-home playlist, can go a long way in helping people stay motivated. But everyone also needs enough space to express themselves, move around throughout the day, and maintain privacy. “You don’t need to have a 24-room mansion with huge grounds to be okay,” Greenberg said. “But there’s no doubt when you get down to really small situations, [quarantine] is going to be challenging.”

Fortunately, you may find some solace in the great outdoors—even if you’re confined to your own city block. Frances Kuo, an associate professor in natural resources and environmental sciences at the University of Illinois, researches healthy human habitats. Isolation is challenging, but she said people can find solace outside, as long as everyone keeps six feet of distance.

Whether it’s a tree-lined street or a neighborhood park, nature has tons of health benefits, such as lowering your heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones. Most importantly, “spending time outside, especially in natural areas, can help us feel more connected to the larger world,” Kuo wrote via email. That’s something everyone could use a bit more of right now.

Originally Appeared on Architectural Digest