YAHOO POLL: Should parents be allowed to name their child anything they want, even controversial names like Lucifer?
A court in Germany has ruled that the name Lucifer is unsuitable for a child
In Germany, a recent court ruling has denied a couple the right to name their baby Lucifer. The decision was based on the idea that the name could harm the child’s well-being or cause them future harm. This is part of a broader trend where some countries have laws restricting certain names, including Satan, Judas, and even McDonald.
Yet somehow, Tesla CEO Elon Musk and his former partner Grimes managed to get around US restrictions after naming their child "X Æ A-12 Musk".
In Singapore, the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) may reject baby names that are offensive, vulgar, or resemble famous people. The ICA may also reject names that include honorary titles “Sir” or “Datuk”. Names that could be used for illegal purposes or to escape legal or financial obligations may also be rejected.
But is the court's decision a step too far, or is it necessary for protecting children’s futures?
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‘Lucifer’ Is Not Allowed as a Baby Name, Couple Finds After Trying to Register Son with Authorities