Court records detail alleged violent confrontation between Senator Patrick Brazeau and female complainant

Details about Senator Patrick Brazeau's sexual assault charge are starting to emerge.

On Tuesday, the Globe and Mail and Quebec's La Presse, obtained court papers documenting the complainants version of events.

According to the Globe, an argument about aboriginal issues turned to a violent altercation in which Brazeau "allegedly pushed" the female complainant "hard enough to break the handrail of the staircase."

According to the complainant’s version of events, Mr. Brazeau ordered [the victim] to leave his house after a two-day dispute over his handling of aboriginal issues, according to the court records.

He allegedly ripped up a bra and a blouse that she held in her hands as she packed her bags. Mr. Brazeau also allegedly grabbed one of the alleged victim’s breasts in an “aggressive way” and brought down her pants, breaking the button and the zipper, according to the court documents.

Brazeau was charged with both assault and sexual assault on February 7th for the incident but the charges have not been proven in a court of law. On Tuesday, the Canadian Press reported that Brazeau had formally entered a non-guilty plea to all charges.

The controversial senator was last heard from publicly on February 12, the day his senate colleagues passed a motion which forced him to take a leave of absence.

[ Related: Patrick Brazeau forced to take leave of absence from Senate ]

Last week, Brazeau, reappeared on Twitter for the first time since the incident with a cryptic poem.

"I'm wounded not, but I'm not slain. I'm brusied (sic) and faint they say Just let me lie and bleed awhile; I'll not be long this way," he wrote.

[ Related: Senator Patrick Brazeau back on Twitter? ]

Brazeau's next court date is on March 22nd.

(Photo courtesy of Canadian Press)

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