Greenpeace launches witty campaign against Harper government ads

Greenpeace has launched a series of witty ads aimed at the Harper government's environmental record. (Screengrab/YouTube)

Greenpeace has released a series of YouTube videos taking aim at the Conservative government, their environmental record and their advertising about responsible resource development.

It's not typical 'oil is bad' rhetoric from the environmental group. These ads are pretty funny.

For Seinfeld fans, the next videos will evoke memories of the George Steinbrenner character on the popular 1990s sitcom.

The videos are part of Greenpeace's new 'Stop Greenwash' campaign which is trying to get the government's ads off the air.

"If enough people see our ads, the tar sands’ spin doctors will realize that the more of our tax money that they spend on public relations to sell the tar sands as environmentally friendly, the more ridiculous they are making themselves look. Our goal is that they will cancel their ads faster than you can say, “oil spills create jobs,”" their website notes.

"Please chip in to help us run our ad on multiple prime time TV shows."

[ Related: Anti-Stephen Harper group raises enough money to air attack ad on Hockey Night in Canada ]

Anyone wanting to donate can do so here.

Or, you can just sit back and enjoy these darn entertaining videos.

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