British girl is as small as a baby but as feisty as any 5-year-old, says her mother

A screen grab image of the world's smallest girl Charlotte Garside. (Daily Mail)

Tiny Charlotte Garside looks like a doll among her elementary school peers, with the top of her head not even reaching her friend's shoulders.

But don't call her a baby.

The girl from Withernsea, UK, has a rare form of dwarfism that means she's only 68 centimetres tall at the age of five, according to a video by Barcroft media.

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Her mother tells the videographers that Charlotte, with her bright orange hair, is "boisterous and inquisitive," despite her tiny size. She says she hates it when people call her child "baby Charlotte." When she was born, her parents say she weighed only two pounds.

However, she has many health problems including cysts on her liver, slow development and a weak immune system, according to the Daily Mail.

But Charlotte is taking on elementary school with the help of a private tutor.

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Little Charlotte doesn't hold an official record as the smallest girl in the world because Guinness World Records doesn't list that category. She is, however, slightly taller than the world's shortest teenager, who measures in at 61.95 centimetres, according to Guinness.

The videographers say Charlotte even looks small next to the family cat. Perhaps instead she could take a walk with the world's smallest dog.