Calgary Zoo gorillas escape, raid kitchen for second time this year

Calgary Zoo gorillas escape, raid kitchen for second time this year

Gorillas at the Calgary zoo escaped from their enclosure on Sunday and loped into a nearby kitchen in search of treats.

This marks the second time in less than a year the gorillas have managed to get into the kitchen, according to the Canadian Press, and while we might joke about apes with culinary ambitions, the zoo says it's taking the incident very seriously.

No humans or animals were injured on Sunday afternoon when an unknown number of gorillas escaped, the zoo said in a statement, but it will investigate to find out what happened.

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Whatever the gorillas were trying to cook up in the kitchen, we may never know; the zoo did not release any details about how many gorillas escaped or what they ate. They probably wouldn't have saved any of it anyway.

During the last gorilla escape in March, fruits nuts and other food attracted the animals into the kitchen after a zookeeper, who was later fired, left the gate unlocked, according to the National Post. The same zookeeper took responsibility for leaving a knife in the enclosure in 2009, the Canadian Press reported, leading to a viral photo of a gorilla wielding a knife.

The zoo is in the process of rebuilding after floods destroyed fences, kitchens and dining areas, causing $50 million worth of damage, according to CBC News. Zoo officials said two hippos, Sparky and Lobi, nearly escaped after they swam into the flood waters.