Dronies: The new selfies

Selfies are so 2014.

Enter the dronie: The answer to your sore-armed prayers.


Instead of limiting your self portraits to outstretched-arm static images — selfie sticks help a little, but only for those in the market for Inspector Gadget-like arms — why not let a camera drone give that solo or group shot a little more height and drama?

All you need is a drone and a GoPro camera. It’s a little pricier than an iPhone, but worth it — if you value one-upping your buddies’ weekend selfies.

Videographer Alex Chacón recently demonstrated the aesthetic superiority of the dronie with a video of his trip to the Mexican Gulf Coast state of Veracruz.

Matt Benedetto shot a dronie with his GoPro camera at Lake Champlain in Vermont late last fall.

Amit Gupta’s beautiful dronie makes us consider jumping on board the trend.

Bernal Hill selfie from Amit Gupta on Vimeo.

See another impressive dronie featuring Gupta and Team Photojojo here.

Tourism New Zealand is even offering dronies to snowboarders so they can take home mementos of their time on the slopes.

(In this case, is the dronie the new theme-park photo?)

Check out more dronies here.

We’re expecting to see plenty of aerial shots of weddings, days at the beach, and, of course, pouty duck faces, in the very near future.

Note: It’s still easier to Photoshop a selfie than it is a dronie. Insecure narcissists, you have been warned.

Are you ready to ditch the selfie stick and embrace the drone?